The zodiac has always been an integral part of the Jewish culture. In the Book of Kings II (C. 23 V 5) it clearly describes the role of "…the sun and moon, to the constellations and to all the starry hosts…"
The archeological discovery of the Beth-Alpha synagogue with its mosaic floor, which was very well preserved, includes a Zodiac circle, with four female figurines on each corner who symbolize the four seasons. This was the background to Tamar's decision to give a new illustrated commentary to the Zodiac, using Israel's landscape and the typical views of each season.
3/21 - 4/19 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
4/20 - 5/20 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
5/21 - 6/21 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
6/22 - 7/22 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
7/23 - 8/22 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
8/23 - 9/22 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
9/23 - 10/22 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
10/23 - 11/21 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
11/22 - 12/21 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
12/22 - 1/19 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
1/20 - 2/18 | Mixed media (silck screen printed combined with aquarelle) | 11" x 15"
2/19 - 3/20 | Silck screen printed combined with aquarelle | 11" x 15"